EndNote Online Classic (free version)

Instructions on using the free version of EndNote.

Creating a New Group

Keep your citations organized by grouping them.

  1. Under All My References in the My References tab, select the citation you want to move to a new group.
  2. From the Add to group drop-down list, select New Group.
  3. Enter a name for the new group and click OK.

Find Duplicates

You can check your library for duplicates anytime by clicking the Organize tab and then Find Duplicates in the secondary navigation. Any duplicates will have their box checked. You can now delete those duplicate references.

When using Find Duplicates, EndNote Online compares references based on the following fields:

  •     Author
  •     Year
  •     Title


Moving Citations to Different Groups

  1. Under the My References tab, locate the panel on the left side of the screen containing your group names. Click on the folder containing the citation(s) to be moved.
  2. Check all citations that you wish to move into a different group.
  3. Select the name of the destination folder from the Add to group drop-down list.

Sharing Groups with Other User Accounts

  1. Under the Organize tab, click Manage My Groups.
  2. Under the Share column on the table, check the box of the group that you want to share.
  3. On the same group, click Manage Sharing.
  1. Click Start sharing this group.  A new window will pop up.
  2. In the text box, type the email addresses of the users sharing your group.
  3. Set the reading and writing permissions.
  4. Click Apply.
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