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Colandr for Systematic Reviews

Using the systematic review tool for title and abstract screening, full-text article screening, and data extraction

Importing Citations

Citations found through database searches can be imported into Colandr at this stage. Before starting, here are a few notes:

  • Colandr accepts the following citation file formats: RIS, BIB, and TXT.
  • The file size limit is 40MB.
  • You cannot delete citations once they have been imported.
  • Colandr will automatically delete exact duplicates based on the author, title, and abstract fields. Colandr does allow approval of duplicates but articles flagged as duplicates can be seen upon export to a CSV file.

Exporting from databases and importing into Colandr

From PubMed:

  1. Export citations in NBIB format.
  2. Convert the NBIB file to RIS. An online converter like this one from Paperpile can help.
  3. Upload the converted RIS file to Colandr from your Review Progress screen by clicking Import.
    import from review progress screen

  4. Upload the file, select Data Source, select Status, and click Import.

  5. Review Import History to confirm the correct number of uploaded citations.

Exporting from citation manager and importing into Colandr

From EndNote:

  1. Highlight the citations wanted and click File and then Export.
  2. Rename the file accordingly in the dialog box.
  3. Choose a location to save the new file.
  4. Save file type as Text only.
  5. Select RefMan (RIS) Export as the Output Style.
  6. Check the box for Export Selected References.
  7. Click Save.
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