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Getting the Full Text of an Article

1.  Click the Find It icon find it

When viewing the abstract of an article, look for the find it button. The find it button is the best way to ensure you find full-text. When you click on the button, a new page will open with the link to full-text. 

2.  Order a copy of the article if full-text is not available

When full-text is not available, a link to order the article via interlibrary loan will appear instead. You may request the article using the ILL link with your UH login. NOTE: This service is free for UH students, faculty, and staff. 

If you do not see a find it button, ensure that you are connected to PubMed via the University of Hawaii. Another option, establish a connection with your My NCBI account using the Outside Tool. Create your MyNCBI account at

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