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Export Citations Out of PubMed

While in PubMed ...

  • Select desired citations by checking the box on the left of individual citations, export citations by page, or export all citations.
  • From the Send to menu [1], choose Citation manager [2].
  • Specify citation Selection [3] and click Create File [4].
  • For more information, see PubMed Help.

Import Citations (exported from PubMed) into Citation Managers

Go to Zotero...

  • Select Import under File.
  • Select the citation file you want to upload
  • Click the Open button.


Go to EndNote.....

  • Select Import File under File.
  • Choose the file in which the citations were saved.
  • For the Import Options, select Other Filters and use the PubMed (NLM) filter.
  • For the Duplicates Option, select the appropriate option; click on Import.

Go to EndNote Online.....

  • Go to the Collect tab and choose Import References.
  • In File: click Choose File button and select file from your computer.
  • In Import Option: select PubMed (NLM) from the list.
  • In To: select New Group or the appropriate folder.
  • Click the Import button.
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