EndNote for Desktop

Instructions for getting started with EndNote desktop software


Creating a New EndNote Library

  1. In EndNote, select File → New

  2. Select where you want to save the library

  3. Type the name of your new library

  4. Click the "Save" button​

From The Experts

More Details About Libraries

  • Libraries have two parts: a file with the extension .enl and a folder with extension .data.

    • The .data folder will contain file attachments, term lists, and citations.

  • The number of references you can have in a library is unlimited - but it is best to keep it under 100,000.

  • You can create any number of libraries, but you can only sync or share one of them using EndNote Basic

  • Libraries created on a PC can be used on a Mac, and vice versa.

  • It is very important to periodically back up your EndNote libraries. To do this in EndNote, select File → Compressed Library (.enlx) and follow the prompts.

  • Storing EndNote libraries in cloud-syncing folders or keeping read-write EndNote libraries on network drives or flash drives, can corrupt the data.

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