EndNote for Desktop

Instructions for getting started with EndNote desktop software

Adding Citations with Find Citation Command


Adding a Citation with the Find Citation Command: 

1. In your Word Document, select the EndNote tab

2. Click on the Insert Citation button (the magnifying glass icon)

3. In the pop-up box, enter search terms to locate the reference - keywords, author, etc.

4. Click Find

5. Select the correct reference from your search results

6. Click Insert to insert the citation normally

  • Click the small arrow on the Insert button to insert the citation in a different format

*NOTE: The EndNote Library you're using must also be open


There are two ways to add in-text citations to your paper with EndNote - both methods do the same thing in the end, but the one you use is up to you. This tutorial by EndNote shows you how to use the "Find Citation" command in MS Word 2010.

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