CSD 600: Research Methods

CSD related-databases

From the library homepage, in the Quick Links menu, you can access a number of helpful databases: EBSCOhostPubMed, Web of Science, or use the link to All Databases to see a list of available databases that have full-text access to articles.​ The databases we offer vary in discipline and coverage. See the table below for more information. 

Database Subject Scope Coverage



PubMed Health sciences 1930 - present Yes, MeSH NLM
Select Academic Search CompleteCINAHLCommunication Source
Multi-disciplinary Unknown Yes EBSCOhost
Linguistics and Language
Behavior Abstracts
Language 1973 - present Yes ProQuest
Speechbite Speech pathology 1950 - current Yes University of Sydney
Speech Pathology Australia
Google Scholar Multi-disciplinary Unknown No Google
Web of Science Multi-disciplinary 1900 - current No Clarivate Analytics
PsycINFO Behavioral/Social Sciences 1800s - present Yes American Psychological Association
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